Wednesday, August 8, 2007

fantasy romance part 1

..and when you break my heart you'd sing regina spektor's "loveology" to me.

..and when im sick, you'd buy me mandarines and peel them for me, even taking off all the white bits.

..and when im tired you'd rent one of my favourite movies and feed me cheese.

..and when im lonely you'd leave traces of yourself all over my house.

..and when im angry you'd make me forget why by telling me how silly i am.

..and when im sad you'd run me a bath.

..and when im hyper you'd run around the house with me.

...when i break your heart i'll sing you a rilo kiley song.

...when you're sick i'll make you a "nanna" tea and feed you soup

...when you're tired i'll tell you stories and feed you cupcakes

...when you're lonely i'll leave you coloured post-it notes all over your room to remind you how loved you are, because you always forget

...when you're angry i'll let you run riot

...when you're sad i'll make you laugh

...when you're hyper i'll chase you around the house.

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